Massive 6.1 EARTHQUAKE struck EAST JAPAN off Honshu

Date of Fulfillment:

Tue, 4/2/2013 4:53am EDT

Complete Fulfillment:

A powerful 6.1 earthquake struck Japan in the same region of the catastrophic 2011 9.0 mega quake. There is a steady swarm of strong to massive earthquakes striking this region from Japan to the Russian Kuril Islands since 2013.

TIME: 18:53:17 UTC (4:53 am Tues.)
DEPTH: 6 miles

6.1 Australia
6.0 usgs
6.0 csem-emsc
107 kilometers (66 miles) east of Miyako, Japan, and some 327 kilometers (526 miles) northeast of Tokyo.

No Tsunami Alert
No Damage

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