Dont Despise The Word

Original Date of Prophecy:

Fri, 8/22/2003 12:00am EDT

Complete Prophecy:

-The pulpits that disregard the many scriptures on Clarity of Gender calling it Legalism & Spirit of Religion will pay with an epidemic of divorce.
- All pulpits that disregard the many scripture against Vanity & Materialism will pay with epidemic of demonic oppression, emotional stress, & fall away to a form of Godliness.
- All pulpits that preach workless holiness, but with out personal example will descend into double mindedness & confusion.
- Resuscitation of Old Testament, ritual & imagery will result in similar impact of Divination, Idolatry & Witchcraft
- Despising of prophecy will remove the protection from advanced knowledge. Such persons will suffer the same fate of the wicked
- The last days impact of wrong teaching & behavior will be seen and felt. The fruit will show it


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