People trapped in a hole of water

Original Date of Prophecy:

Thu, 12/8/2011 4:00am EST

Complete Prophecy:

REVELATION: I see 'Flood' everywhere. I see people trapped in a hole of water. Chaos all over, one set of people trapped in the water. I took a shovel and started to take out some of the water.
People were drowning. People were pulling up people out of the water; More bodies were floating up. I grabbed a bucket to pull out the water faster, but children, were just floating up when I looked the earth started to crack. People were just trying to save people. Mothers standing looking lost, some children came out alive and other children didn't make it. I see people standing on a bridge that looked lost, some looking for an answer. People with a big position job, folded their hands, watching what happened, what's going on, where shall we go.
C. Abrahams


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