Foundation of loop city to be shaken

Original Date of Prophecy:

Thu, 6/21/2012 12:00am EDT

Complete Prophecy:

I am on a ship or it looks like a ship or building as it is in the water. I am suddenly on this thing. Suddenly, I feel the building or ship, about 5 story up, shaking. As I look, all I can see is water and people outside standing, looking. More water starts to come in. I see like water.I find myself on the floor praying with a man. I end up in the water and I see a stone at the bottom. The water tries to pull me down. I can still see the people in panic. When I come up I realize I'm in this building and it starts sinking. I see the tall building, some with glass all the way around. I hear the word loop city foundation is shaking or I'm going to shake the loop foundation of loop city. The NYC Manhattan area can be classified as a geographical loop. - - C. Laude


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