A word for a visionary of an international ministry

Original Date of Prophecy:

Sat, 6/9/2012 12:00am EDT

Complete Prophecy:

A word to a visionary of an international ministry: “The words I give unto you are to be uttered despite the price paid. Abort it not., Diminish it not., Delay it not. There is a plot to undermine and weaken it. Unlike the young prophet of the Scriptures, you are not to alter any part or aspect of it. Each time it is to be spoken, it must be spoken. Disparate comments are in the making to disturb the overwhelming impact of it. Some pine to hear it while some are dismayed by it but it must be spoken at all cost, for the time is at hand. Do not be intimidated by little speeches and comments. They will be blown away like the leaves by the wind. The words you speak are for a testimony against those who will test my will and my providence. Some even among you will struggle now but will later face the very loud fulfillments to their chagrin. Do not be moved by little talk and requests. The words I give unto you must be spoken as they are given unto you, no less no more. The mantle that is upon you is not for you, nor your surroundings, but for the world. The words I give unto you are not for one or two nor those around you. They are for the world. Diminish not a word nor alter that which I have given unto thee”, saith the Lord.


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