Complete Fulfillment:
Apocalyptic FLOODS hit AUSTRALIA, SRI LANKA, PHILIPPINES etc: Flood Worsen dramatically. In Australia 100 Dead or Missing Brisbane 3rd largest city deserted, a ghost town reported (2 million residents Prime Minister says ‘mind boggling’. Others ‘war scene 'Sewage break into waters People carry refrigerators in their hands, chairs, tables, suitcases through deep water looking like a ghetto Furniture stacked on roofs A restaurant floats through town like a barge until it crashes under a bridge Supermarkets empty therefore closed Dozens of expensive empty boats drift pass homes in awe of residents One Mayor says the houses explode from the impact of the water. When it is finished only stumps are left. 3,000 properties in only one neighborhood Ipswich destroyed 20,000 homes in line of water within hours.Major Power outages Water covers traffic lights Horses and other animals swim for life. One horse pauses to rest its head on a roof top, the only dry spot. Highways , rails washed away Australia’s costliest disaster Economic loss up to 14 Billion dollars Waters overwhelm a damn that was build to protect the city after the 1974 historical floods.
Coal Industry shut down.(supplies 75% of coal to the world for making steel) Vegetable, fruit and sugar cane crops have been wiped out.