Behold They Are Coming, I Am Sending Into the Hold

Original Date of Prophecy:

Sun, 8/19/2012 12:00am EDT

Complete Prophecy:

REVELATION: Behold they are coming. I am sending into the hold. They are coming. Prepare they are coming. All who have life, they are coming. I am sending into the fold. Prepare. Not by your works. Not you alone, I am sending, saith the Lord. They are coming by air, by sea, by foot. They are coming. The multitudes are coming. The light in the lighthouse is what will draw them to me. I am leading.
Be obedient and follow my leading. For I am leading, saith the Lord. I am ordering the steps of the righteous. Repent before its too late. The outpouring that I am pouring, receive it. You will need it in this time. The outpouring, receive it. The extra pill you will need it. Don't disregard it, it the extra oil. You will need it.
Look out your time is running out. All the time you think thou have left. The rocks are piling. My heart is for the nations. You will respond to me. You will respond. I have been warning. I have been warning., I have been warning but you disregard my love. I have been pleading., I have been pleading., I have been pleading, but you disregard my love. No longer will I hold back my hand. You failed to turn. Eyes have not seen, the destruction and what is about to take place.


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