The Lord will Revisit South America, Lousiana, China, Northeast USA, New York and Japan

Original Date of Prophecy:

Sat, 8/11/2012 12:00am EDT

Complete Prophecy:

"Thus said the Lord. There is a price to pay when you disregard
my word. A price to pay when you disregard my prophets. A high price to pay when you disregard my servants. I will revisit those that disregard. I will revisit all those who will receive such a high price. Not like before. Not like before. This time they will know that I am the beginning and the end, that I am the ruler of all. That I am the I am. That I am the one that causes the grounds the open, the earth to quake, the famine, the winds to blow, the waters to pour. Now they will know. I will revisit those that despise. South America - I will revisit; Louisiana - I will revisit; China - I will revisit. The Northeast USA - I will revisit; New York - I will revisit; Japan - I will revisit. This time you will know that I am, and my glory I will not give to another saith the Lord.

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