North East region of the earth and surrounding areas beware of a catastrophic elemental disaster

Original Date of Prophecy:

Wed, 4/18/2012 12:00am EDT

Complete Prophecy:

REVELATION : In a vision while praying, the top of a large arrow pointing and moving in a certain angular direction is seen in the sky. It was silver and metallic in nature. As it moved, much of the arrow was revealed. It
had lines stretching parallel to the length of the arrow. It was also pointing at an angle right of north: NNE or NE. As the fullness of the arrow was revealed it seemed to have belonged to a large compass. The North arrow is not pointing North but North East.


Another major catastrophe will cause even more shifts in magnetic north, bending the longitudinal lines off their correct bearings. The North East region of
the earth and surrounding areas must beware of a catastrophic elemental disaster that will strike shortly. A. Salmon


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