Harvest Army Church Prophecy of Imminent Large Earthquake in China Region Comes to Pass

GoRonJo's picture


March 26, 2013.

If you have been following our posts and alerts from Harvest Army Church in New York City

a prophetic warning was released, only a week ago, that another earthquake in China, much larger than the

previous ones in recent weeks, would strike the region shortly.

The prophetic alert issued from Harvest Army is included below the textual information on the EQ in Taiwan.

The USGS has just reported that a large 6.0 magnitude earthquake has hit Taiwan, on Wednesday morning.

The USGS is reporting the following

We urge our readers to take the warnings issued from Harvest Army seriously, when they are included on our site.



See Original Post http://efg-bnusfoodreserves.blogspot.com/2013/03/harvest-army-church-prophecy-of.html


Messianic's picture

Many people are receiving dreams and visions of Earthquakes in California, many are moving out interesting


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