

  1. Confirms JESUS CHRIST as only True God (Isaiah 41:23-24, John 13:19)
  2. Final WEAPON of the Gospel (1Corinthians 13:24,25)
  3. Reveals GOD'S WILL (Proverbs 20:24)
  4. Ultimate Sign of WORLD REVIVAL (Joel 2:28)
  5. Great ENCOURAGEMENT to Saints (Ezra 9:9)
  6. PRESERVE Lives and Property (Jeremiah 9:12)
  7. Enables PREPARATION (Ezra 33:33)
  8. Evidence of HOLY GHOST Baptism (Acts 19:6)
  9. DISARM Enemies of the Cross (2Kings 6:11)
  10. WARNING to Mankind (Ezra 3:18)
  11. Reveals CHARACTER (Genesis 49)

The vision of 'HARVEST ARMY' is first to raise up an 'ARMY OF HARVESTERS FOR WORLD REVIVAL'. Laymen are raised up to PREACH and be a WITNESS of the gospel of Jesus Christ on the highways, hedges & everywhere, according to scripture. Though soul winning focused, God has revealed hundreds of prophecies since 1999. They have been published worldwide & were all fulfilled irrefutably.

What do we do? - 'Read the Bible', 'Fast & Pray', 'Worship God', 'Preach the Gospel' & seek to 'Live Holy Lives', absolutely nothing more. By God's grace He reveals end time events in mainly visions, dreams, similitude and words of knowledge (Numbers 12:6; Deuteronomy 29:29; Daniel 2:22; Hosea12:10; Amos 3:7; John.13:19; 1Thessalonians 5:20)

These are seen on including:

  • EARTHQUAKES: Argentina, Chile, Japan, New York, Turkey, China, Mexico, Philippines, Indonesia etc
  • FLOODS: Italy, Jamaica, China, North East USA, Thailand, Philippines, New York North East USA etc
  • GOVERNMENT OVERTHROW: Asia-Kyrgyzstan, Libya
  • STORMS, FLOODS: Pakistan, Australia, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia.

Many are also available in our book the 'NINTH HOUR' released in 2009. Yet we do not declare ourselves mighty prophets but only students of the gift.


We hasten to warn practitioners of divination-palm reading-candle burning-incense burning etc, fortune telling, hypnosis, spiritualism, new age, mysticism, Nostradamus, seance, channeling, rapture-date setting, scientology, voodoo, sorcery, astrology, psychicism, spiritism, medium-ship, horoscopes, necromancy, numerology, ancestry, animism, ritualism, angelology, naturopathy, idolatry, universalism, pluralism, inclusion, etc. that these are all dangerous diabolic activities that are also useless for sustained, credible predictions.

Where were they to credibly predict the recent world shaking deadly earthquakes in Haiti, Argentina-Chile, New Zealand, Japan, North East USA, Mexico, Philippine Floods etc. Anyone can make a few informed or uniformed guesses but the majority of their utterances will fail. Moreover most of these diabolic practices will cause real personal harm: (Isaiah 8:19-21; Isaiah 44:25; Hosea 4:12-13; Isaiah 47:9; Ezra 7:18-19).


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