
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

Many great servants of God utter prophecies that appear to fail. Many of these vessels did receive genuine revelations from Christ. They however did not utilize the vast treasure in Scripture available to ensure that they never fail nor be delayed unrealistically.

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Datesort ascending Prophecy Titles Related Fulfillments Videos
1 10/11/2015 Major EMP like OUTAGE in USA
2 10/7/2015 New Pope Coronated
3 10/6/2015 Major Aircraft Tragedy: China/Japan Region
4 10/6/2015 Dreadful STORM in Southwest USA
5 9/7/2014 Major Earthquake- Japan 1
6 9/7/2014 Major Uptick of Earthquakes 1
7 8/17/2014 Major Earthquake - USA 1
8 8/17/2014 Philippines Major Earthquake 1
9 7/27/2014 Celebrity Tragedy 1
10 7/27/2014 Powerful Earthquake- Alaska 1
11 7/20/2014 Southwest USA Storm 1
12 7/13/2014 Major Earthquake Far East - Japan 1
13 6/19/2014 World Vision Day... July 5, 2014@12 Noon. Prepare!
14 6/18/2014 WORLDWIDE 'ERUPTION' July 5, 2014 Prepare!!
15 4/27/2014 Major River Tragedy 1
16 4/20/2014 Fire and Earthquake- Modern Sodom & Gomorrah 1
17 4/13/2014 Major DISTRESS EASTERN Countries 2
18 4/6/2014 Earthquake in Central America 2
19 3/30/2014 Massive Fire - North Korea 2
20 3/30/2014 Earthquake in Western Europe 2
21 3/26/2014 Major Earthquake - Philippines 1
22 3/23/2014 USA Train Tragedy 1
23 3/15/2014 Major Oil Spill in The Americas 1
24 2/23/2014 Earthquake In Indian Ocean
25 2/23/2014 Un-biblical Doctrine Sweeps Body of Christ 1
26 2/23/2014 Great Flood In Jamaica
27 2/23/2014 Major Earthquake Will Strike South America 2
28 2/16/2014 Major Fire in Jamaica W.I. Western Region
29 2/2/2014 FISHES TAKEN AWAY 1
30 1/26/2014 Major Flood Upon Eastern USA
31 12/29/2013 Major Distress: Hong Kong China Taiwan 1
32 12/22/2013 Unrest or War in Middle East Shortly
33 12/22/2013 Pestilence in the Far East
34 12/22/2013 Major Earthquake Will Strike USA
35 12/15/2013 Major Earthquake Will Strike Indian Ocean or Surroundings
36 12/15/2013 Major Earthquake Will Strike China
37 12/15/2013 Bugs/Pestilence Plague Northeast Africa
38 12/15/2013 Vehicle Swings Over Bridge in Tri-State area
39 12/12/2013 Major Elemental Disaster Will Strike Japan
40 12/12/2013 Persecution of Christians in the USA



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