Birds falling from the sky. Fishes washing up dead. Cattle slaughtered

Date of Fulfillment:

Mon, 1/3/2011 12:00am EST

Complete Fulfillment:

news Media columnist fears the beginning of the apocalypse as: - 15,000 BIRDS: fall from the sky dead in Arkansas, Louisiana USA & Italy.- HUNDREDS OF BIRDS: fall from the sky dead in Sweden.- 2 MILLION FISHES: dead in Maryland, USA.- 100,000 FISHES: dead in Arkansas, USA.- 100 TONS OF FISHES: washed up dead in Brazil.- HUNDREDS OF FISHES: washed up in Canada.- 40,000 VELVET CRABS: washed up dead in England.- 1 MILLION CATTLE, PIGS & GOATS: slaughtered, culled for Foot & Mouth Disease in South Korea.


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