Major HURRICANE now... SANDY Barrels the Caribbean, to USA EAST COAST - FRANKENSTORM ..

Date of Fulfillment:

Tue, 10/16/2012 12:00am EDT

Complete Fulfillment:

A major HURRICANE, S-A-N-D-Y- barrels through the CARIBBEAN to the EAST COAST of the USA; It will joinw two other weather sytems tofor an unprecedented a 'HURRICANE SNOW' call a 'FRANKENSTORM"

- Barrels to USA East Coast
- New York, New Jersey up to main in the path
- Crossed Cuba
- Barrels North to Jamaica W.I.
- Expected Path:Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Turks & Caicos, Bahamas, USA East Coast
- Hours away from Jamaica
- Much Flood already in Jamaica
- Much Landslide in Jamaica
- Both International Airports closed in Jamaica
- Set to affect the entire country of Jamaica
- The nature of the storm is new to Jamaica
- Most damage in jamaica is in the Eastern region
- The Bog Walk Gorge is closed - Main Highway across the country
- Sandy Gully Bridge impasable in Jamaica
- St. Thomas region at major risk in Jamaica
- At least 1 fishing vessel is trapped in the ocean. The Coast Guard are unable to fetch them in time.
- Bauxite Industry Closed in Jamaica
- All Schools Closed in Jamaica
- Many Shelters Opened in Jamaica

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