Oil spill in the Gulf Coast

Date of Fulfillment:

Tue, 6/15/2010 12:00am EDT

Complete Fulfillment:

OIL SPILL' in the Gulf Coast, worst environmental disaster in USA history and among the worst worldwide. On June 15, 2010 President Obama lamented the tragedy saying it has "tested the limits of human technology", declared war on the spill and asked for PRAYER & GUIDANCE. Louisiana Senate declares Sunday June 20, DAY OF PRAYER. Texas Governor identified it as GOD'S DOING. Reportedly, RAINING OIL is found on the streets of River Ridge near New Orleans.
- 4 . 20 . 2010: Date of spill. 4+2+0+2+0+1+0 = 9
- 'GULF COAST': 9 letters
- 'LOUISIANA': 9 letters (Main state)
- '2.52' Million gallons daily: 2+5+2 = 9 (during President's oval office speech - June 15, 2010)
- '18' Minutes - length of Oval Office speech: 1+8 = 9


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