People of all races join New Mission Churches

Date of Fulfillment:

Mon, 9/20/2010 12:00am EDT

Complete Fulfillment:

Now three(3) new 'MISSION CHURCHES' planted in New York since 2010, are already being filled with people of all races, as 'EUNUCH BAPTISMS' are conducted weekly. Many unbelievers are drawn to the movement.

  • September 5, 2010 New Branch in White Plains begins. Baptisms on the very first day. More candidates ready.
  • Two(2) more branches heve been planted in New York and two(2) more in the process.
  • Now the people are calling the branches for instant baptism during the daytime
  • Harvesters stormed bars and clubs in Brooklyn on Saturday morning June 20, 20210. Baptism took place at 4 AM.
  • This Monday, daytime Baptism took place at Bronx Headquarters
  • This Tuesday June 30, 2010 Baptism in Queens branch.
  • This Friday in the daytime, Baptism at Bronx - Headquarters.
  • In the actual services, scenes of the broken storming in confessing their sins and demanding baptism is becoming the norm. A little reviving is breaking out in New York City. 'HARVEST ARMY', a street preaching church with over 1,600 EUNUCH BAPTISMS since Oct. 24, 2005. New Converts are being baptized weekly, sometimes in every service throughout the week including prayer services. People make calls to the church or show up throughout the day or night demanding to be baptized immediately. The 'Harvesters' march with candidates from the street to be baptized immediately. Baptisms are conducted even while service in in progress. They are being filled with The Holy Ghost, prophesying on the streets, bringing in the Harvest. Come and experience it. See it live on (1); (2) Directly from this web site. (3) Saturday Morning on The Word Network (4) Many other T.V. Networks


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