
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

Many great servants of God utter prophecies that appear to fail. Many of these vessels did receive genuine revelations from Christ. They however did not utilize the vast treasure in Scripture available to ensure that they never fail nor be delayed unrealistically.

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Datesort ascending Prophecy Titles Related Fulfillments Videos
441 5/3/2012 Persecution against the True body of Christ 1
442 5/3/2012 Distress and Calamity will mulitiply
443 5/2/2012 Elemental disaster in the Americas
444 5/2/2012 Earthquake will strike the Americas
445 5/1/2012 Distress looms upon Russia and other Soviet Union countries
446 5/1/2012 Zimbabwe Repent!
447 5/1/2012 India: Be Converted
448 5/1/2012 The firmament of the land will show God's handiwork
449 5/1/2012 The hills of Tsunami shall rise up. 1
450 4/29/2012 Several Ministries Are About to be Set Upon by Other Ministries Negatively
451 4/29/2012 Church Challenged By Society
452 4/29/2012 Bales Of Roofing
453 4/29/2012 Game Leaves Some Participants at Risk of Great Injury and Hospitilaztion
454 4/29/2012 New York on Brink of Major Crisis
455 4/29/2012 Church Leaders Speak Up To Each Other About Need for Spiritual Revolution
456 4/28/2012 The East to be affected by a major flood 1
457 4/28/2012 Essential items shortage to come upon the Western Countries
458 4/24/2012 Major earthquakes and floods headed for Eastern Nations 1
459 4/23/2012 Major earthquake in Western South America
460 4/20/2012 Storms loom upon East USA 1
461 4/18/2012 major flood will strike the East shortly
462 4/18/2012 Much trouble is seen in the waterways and in the sea shipping operators and relevant personnel to take extra precaution
463 4/18/2012 More calamity in the waters is imminent A large ship is seen in major distress in a cove or inlet
464 4/18/2012 Social unrest in the Caribbean
465 4/18/2012 North East region of the earth and surrounding areas beware of a catastrophic elemental disaster
466 4/18/2012 Major tragedy looms in the Northwestern region of the USA
467 4/18/2012 Major tragedy looms in the Eastern Middle region of the USA
468 4/17/2012 The spate of worldwide Earthquakes
469 4/15/2012 In a vision, fire and smoke 1
470 4/15/2012 Great Crumbling.... Middle East beware
471 3/19/2012 A sound signals an airborne crash
472 3/17/2012 Christian believer may be involved with a New World Order
473 3/15/2012 Mega Earthquake shall hit the Earth
474 3/10/2012 band of flowers blown away
475 3/10/2012 Power Christian believer observed to be involved in Hinduism
476 3/10/2012 Young middle aged man intends to attack a group of people and visionary
477 3/10/2012 person being handled in a regardless manner
478 3/10/2012 elderly male preacher greatly discouraged
479 3/10/2012 a spirit of death looms greatly over the earth
480 3/10/2012 a major surge of disease is imminent upon the earth 1



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