
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Datesort ascending Fulfillments Related Prophecies Videos
421 10/10/2012 Powerful! 5.8 EARTHQUAKE Strike COSTA RICA @ 22 MLS DEEP Oct.10, 2012 World SWARM 6 in 60 hrs 1
422 10/10/2012 Powerful! 6.1 EARTHQUAKE Struck PHIIPPINES / INDONESIA CELEBES SEA 1
423 10/9/2012 Powerful! 5.8 EARTHQUAKE Strike INDONESIA - PN GUINEA 10.9.12 Beware!! 5 Worldwide in 36 hrs 1
424 10/9/2012 Large! 6.6 EARTHQUAKE Strike THE EAST - BALLENY ISLANDS 10.9.12 Beware!! 5 Worldwide in 36 hrs 1
425 10/8/2012 Mysterious! K-I-L-L-E-R! DISEASE: INDIA ... 40 DEAD ...OCT. 8, 2012. 1
426 10/8/2012 S-W-A-R-M! EARTHQUAKE Worldwide: 6.3, 6.2, 5.8, 6.6, 5.8 The EAST to the WEST - 5 in 36 hrs 1
427 10/8/2012 Mysterious! K-I-L-L-E-R! DISEASE: INDIA ... 40 DEAD 1
428 10/8/2012 S-W-A-R-M! EARTHQUAKE Worldwide: 6.3, 6.2, 5.8, 6.6, 5.8 The EAST to the WEST - 5 in 36 hrs 1
429 10/8/2012 Massive! .. V-O-L-C-A-N-O .. ERUPTION - INDONESIA; Pillars of SMOKE; RAIN of FIRE 1
430 10/6/2012 Strong 5.6 EARTHQUAKE strike PHILIPPINES @ 21 Mls Deep 1
431 10/6/2012 Major! .. GAS CRISIS ..in USA - CALIFORNIA; Many Stations CLOSED 1
432 10/6/2012 NORTH ATLANTIC RIDGE Quadruple!! .. EARTHQUAKE SWARM .. - Risk to USA EAST COAST 10.6.12 1
433 10/5/2012 Strong 5.5 EARTHQUAKE strike GUATEMALA, Central America Oct. 7, 2012 1
434 10/5/2012 USA D-I-S-E-A-S-E Outbreak M-E-N-I-N-G-I-T-I-S 19 Dead 245 Infected 14,000 Affected .. 10.12.12. 1
435 10/4/2012 New Mysterious! .. O-I-L -- S-P-I-L-L ..4 mls Long in Gulf of Mexico Near BP SPILL 1
436 10/4/2012 Deadly china landslide
437 10/4/2012 5.5 earthquake northern mid-Atlantic ridge
438 9/26/2012 Massive!!.. FLOODS ..Ravage UK - ENGLAND Worst in 30 yrs; River Banks Burst; Death 1
439 9/25/2012 LARGE!! 6.3 EARTHQUAKE Strike MEXICO / CALIFORNIA @ 6 mls deep 1
440 9/25/2012 INDIA Massive FLOOD: 1.5 Million Displaced - 33 Dead... Sept. 25, 2012. Prediction. 1
441 9/25/2012 Major HURRICANE Barrels towards US CALIFORNIA @ 200 km/hr Sep.25, 2012 1
442 9/21/2012 Kenya Mass Mall Massacre!! 1
443 9/15/2012 JAPAN REVISIT!!.. SANBA SUPER TYPHOON ..strike OKINAWA: FLOOD; 60,000s No Power 9.15.12 Updates! 1
444 9/14/2012 USA! EMBASSIES! Worldwide: PROTEST UNREST - Egypt Libya Yemen Tunisia Germany 50 Dead 9.14.12 1
445 9/14/2012 Apocalyptic VOLCANO ERUPTION - GUATEMALA 33,000 FLEE ... 9.14.12. Latest Update 1
446 9/13/2012 MAJOR FLOODS .. in Sudan - Astounding! PREDICTION 15 Dead: Much Destruction Sep.13, 2012 1
447 9/13/2012 GREECE Strong 5.7 EARTHQUAKE -- EUROPE @ CRETE; Damage Sep. 12, 2012 Prediction 1
448 9/13/2012 FISH-A-CALYPSE! LAKE ERIE - CANADA - TENS of THOUSANDS DEAD FISH Appears- Sept. 12, 2012. 1
449 9/12/2012 Very LARGE 6.9 MEGA-QUAKE Strike USA ALASKA - ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 25 mls Deep 1
450 9/12/2012 MARIANA ISLANDS - SOUTH OF JAPAN 5.8 EARTHQUAKE Sep. 12, 2012 1
451 9/12/2012 Major! COSMOS GALACTIC EXPLOSION - JUPITER Sep.12, 2012 1
452 9/12/2012 Strong 5.6 EARTHQUAKE Strike PAPUA NEW GUINEA Sep.12, 2012. Prediction 1
453 9/12/2012 MAJOR .. FIRES .. Ravage THE EAST - PAKISTAN 300+ Dead; Many Hospitalized Sep. 12, 2012 1
454 9/8/2012 Shocking TORNADO in NEW YORK CITY 1
455 9/7/2012 CHINA Largest River YANGTZE - BLOOD RED 1
456 8/23/2012 DEADLY!! New MERS!! Virus Traced To Egyptian Tomb BAT!! 1
457 8/7/2012 6.3 magnitude jolts Japan's sea of sanrika 1
458 2/11/2012 Major earthquake on northern region of Indian Ocean 1
459 12/3/2011 A 5.6 Earthquake struck East of Barbuda & Leeward Island
460 11/23/2011 President of YEMEN steps down from 33 years of leadership
461 11/7/2011 Earthquake 5.2 Bukidnon Provice, PHILIPPINES:
462 11/1/2011 Two(2) Earthquakes struck China 6.0 & 5.4
463 10/29/2011 Major Grain Factory Elevator Explosion, KANSAS CITY
464 10/27/2011 MAJOR FLOOD HIT ITALY
465 10/13/2011 U.S. officials confirmed the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HAS HAD DIRECT CONTACT WITH IRAN
466 10/11/2011 The plot included the ASSASSINATION of the SAUDI Arabian ambassador to the United States
467 10/1/2011 Very large cargo ship draws world attention as it ran aground on a reef near New Zealand.
468 9/17/2011 Plane Crash in West Virginia USA
469 8/18/2011 Seven(7) Israelis killed on Egypt border
470 8/5/2011 Major 'FLASH FLOOD' inundate Charlotte, North Carolina
471 8/5/2011 Violence breaks out in drought ridden Somalia
472 7/24/2011 More than 150 'Human-Animals' cultured in secret in Britain.
473 7/22/2011 Terrorism strike Norway: Bomb & Major GUN Massacre
474 7/22/2011 Tour Bus to New York from Ontario crashed with Trailer
475 7/20/2011 Rationing of Water in New York as a result of E-Coli & Sewage
476 4/28/2011 Historic Tornadoes hit the USA
477 4/28/2011 Black smoke falling from the sky
478 4/22/2011 Major Landslide in Philipines
479 4/16/2011 Plane lands on highway in New Orleans
480 3/19/2011 ITALY / FRANCE / Europe etc embroiled in WAR with LIBYA



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