
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Datesort ascending Fulfillments Related Prophecies Videos
361 11/13/2012 New TSUNAMI Like FLOOD Ravage .. CARIBBEAN - JAMAICA .. worst than SANDY SUPERSTORM Nov.13,2012 1
362 11/12/2012 Massive! 6.6 EARTHQUAKE Just Strike ALASKA @ 6 Mls Deep 1
363 11/12/2012 FLOODING ravage ITALY Worst in 140 yrs 1
364 11/11/2012 Massive! 6.6 AFTERSHOCK Ravage GUATEMALA Days After 7.4 MEGA QUAKE 52 Dead 1
365 11/11/2012 MYRANMAR: Massive 6.2 EARTHQUAKE After Destructive 7.0, 14 Dead. 1
366 11/11/2012 Powerful 6.0 EARTHQUAKE Strike PERU - S. AMERICA Nov.10,2012 Unprecedented Worldwide Swarm 1
367 11/11/2012 Monstrous 7.0 MEGA QUAKE Ravage MYRANMAR - ASIA 14 Dead Much Destruction Nov.11,2012 2
368 11/9/2012 Strong 5.4 EARTHQUAKE: Rattle SOUTH OF AUSTRALIA - FAR EAST SWARM ! 11.09.12 1
369 11/9/2012 Tsunami like .. FLOOD .. Ravage Caribbean HAITI 1
370 11/8/2012 Monstrous! MEXICO - GUATEMALA 7.4 MEGA QUAKE 50 Dead 100 Msg 1
371 11/7/2012 CANADA Massive 6.4 EARTHQUAKE Nov.7,2012. Troubling! 4th Large(5.5 - 7.4) since US ELECTION 1
372 11/7/2012 .. US .. IRAN ..SECRET! MEETING 1
373 11/7/2012 Destructive! 7.5 MEGA QUAKE Strike: GUATEMALA, felt in MEXICO, El Salvador 48 Dead 100 Msg 11.7.12 1
374 11/7/2012 Monstrous! 7.5 MEGA QUAKE Rocks: GUATEMALA, felt in MEXICO, El Salvador 48 Dead 100 Msg Nov. 7, 2012 1
375 11/6/2012 Powerful 5.7 EARTHQUAKE Strike MIDDLE EAST - CARLSBERG RIDGE 6 mls Deep 1
376 11/5/2012 Strong 5.8 EARTHQUAKE Strike INDONESIA 10 mls Deep 1
377 11/3/2012 Strong! 5.6 EARTHQUAKE Rocks PHILIPPINE ISLANDS hours after Monster 6.4M 1
378 11/3/2012 Dangerous! 5.8 EARTHQUAKE Ripple CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE: Risk to USA EAST COAST. 1
380 11/2/2012 Monster! 6.4 EARTHQUAKE Just Struck PHILIPPINES ... 11.2.12. EAST SWARM! 1
382 11/1/2012 SANDY SUPERSTORM Major! GAS CRISIS - PANDEMONIUM 2mls Long Car Line ... 1
383 10/31/2012 Massive 6.6! MEGA EARTHQUAKE AFTERSHOCK Hit CANADA - NW USA- 63 Aftershocks, 6.3, 5.8, ! 1
384 10/31/2012 Unthinkable! D-A-R-K-N-E-S-S: SANDY Plunge 8.2 Million in Shadow! New York & North East. 2
385 10/31/2012 SANDY Apocalypse! NORTH EAST, NY, NJ, VA,CT:Record: Floods, Fires, Darkness, Snow.. 1
386 10/31/2012 SANDY! SUBMERGE ... NEW YORK ... SUBWAYS, TUNNELS ... Over 86 Million Gallons of Water! 1
387 10/30/2012 Unimaginable! SUPERSTORM S-A-N-D-Y Devastates NORTH EAST USA 113 Dead (183 Tl) Flood Fire Trees! 3
388 10/28/2012 Massive 6.3! MEGA EARTHQUAKE AFTERSHOCK Hit CANADA - NW USA- 50 Aftershocks, 5.8, 5.1, ! 1
390 10/28/2012 PHILIPPINES Deadly STORM! SON- TINH: 27 Dead, 6 missing, 30 000 stranded, 15000 shelter. 10.28.12 1
391 10/27/2012 Powerful! 5.5 EARTHQUAKE Just Struck VANUATU (EAST of AUSTRALIA). 10.28.12. EAST SWARM! 1
392 10/23/2012 Massive! 6.0 EARTHQUAKE Struck LOYALTY ISLANDS -- "Pacific Ring of Fire"-"East Australia". 1
393 10/23/2012 Monster! 6.0 EARTHQUAKE Just Struck JAPAN- IZU ISLANDS! Oct. 23, 2012. Revisit ! 1
394 10/22/2012 Strong 5.5 EARTHQUAKE hit SANDWICH ISLANDS... Oct. 22, 2012. 1
395 10/21/2012 Strong 5.5 EARTHQUAKE Struck EL SALVADOR ... Oct. 21, 2012. Global Swarm ! 1
396 10/21/2012 FRANCE: F-L-O-O-D-S ... RIVER Overflow Banks... City Inundated. 1
397 10/20/2012 Massive! 6.6 EARTHQUAKE Just Struck VANUATU (EAST of AUSTRALIA). 10.20.12. EAST SWARM! 1
398 10/20/2012 Powerful 5.7 EARTHQUAKE Rattle I-C-E-L-A-N-D & SWARM - NORTH & MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE 1
399 10/20/2012 Major! 'PACIFIC RING OF FIRE' MELTS! -- Massive 6.6 EARTHQUAKE VANUATU; 20 in 11 dys ... 1
400 10/19/2012 Powerful! 5.6 EARTHQUAKE Struck KARMADEC ISLANDS, New Zealand. 10.19.12. EAST SWARM! 1
401 10/19/2012 'PACIFIC RING OF FIRE' MELTS! - WORLD Large EARTHQUAKE SWARM ..25 in 16 dys .. 1
402 10/18/2012 Strongl! 5.7 EARTHQUAKE Struck MACQUARIE ISLAND S of AUSTRALIA 10.17.12 EAST SWARM 1
403 10/18/2012 Unusual! C-O-S-M-O-S: 4 Sun Planet; Unknown Solar System; Diamond Planets; Meteorite Shower 1
404 10/18/2012 50 M-I-L-L-I-O-N DEAD! ... FISH...NORTH CAROLINA, NEUSE RIVER, USA. Oct. 18, 2012. Troubling SIGN! 1
405 10/17/2012 USA N.E. EARTHQUAKE S-H-A-K-E CITY COUNCIL MEETING; Maine Oct.17,2012 1
406 10/17/2012 Rare! 4.6 ..EARTHQUAKE.. CANADA NE US MAINE BOSTON NEW YORK JERSEY 10.16.12 See 'Description' 1
407 10/17/2012 Apocalyptic EASTERN EARTHQUAKES: Now TONGA 5.5 (East of AUSTRALIA )Oct.17,2012 1
408 10/17/2012 Massive! 6.0 EARTHQUAKE Struck PHIIPPINES / INDONESIA CELEBES SEA 10.17.12 EAST SWARM 1
409 10/17/2012 Shocking! C-Y-C-L-O-N-E - INDIAN OCEAN 1
410 10/16/2012 Major HURRICANE now... SANDY Barrels the Caribbean, to USA EAST COAST - FRANKENSTORM .. 1
411 10/16/2012 HURRICANE RAPHAEL F-L-O-O-D-S - C-A-R-I-B-B-E-A-N Trinidad, St. Kitts, Leeward, Prt Rico 1
412 10/16/2012 Dangerous! H-U-R-R-I-C-A-N-E... PAUL ... BARRELS to MEXICO. 1
413 10/15/2012 Powerful 5.6 EARTHQUAKE Strike R-U-S-S-I-A KAMKATCHA PENINSULA Oct.15,2012 World Swarm! 13 in 7 dys 2
414 10/15/2012 Strong 5.5 EARTHQUAKE just strike GUATEMALA, Central America 1
415 10/14/2012 J-A-P-A-N! 2 Powerful EARTHQUAKES Struck Region - HONSHU 5.7 & KURIL ISLANDS 5.8 . 2
416 10/14/2012 Mysterious! S-O-U-N-D Terrify .. NEW ZEALAND ..Oct.15,2012 'LOW RINGING BELL 1
417 10/13/2012 Unimaginable! F-L-O-O-D Has struck N-I-G-E-R-I-A 160 Dead; 25 Million @ RISK 1
418 10/12/2012 BP oil well
419 10/12/2012 Deadly! F-L-O-O-D in BANGLADESH; Major RAINSTORMS 26 Dead 1,500 Hms Destroyed 1
420 10/11/2012 Massive 6.3 EARTHQUAKE struck NEW ZEALAND 1



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