
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

Many great servants of God utter prophecies that appear to fail. Many of these vessels did receive genuine revelations from Christ. They however did not utilize the vast treasure in Scripture available to ensure that they never fail nor be delayed unrealistically.

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Datesort ascending Prophecy Titles Related Fulfillments Videos
721 10/1/2006 Immigration Crackdown: Immigrants will have much difficulty
722 10/1/2006 Major change in buying and selling transactions.
723 7/24/2006 An 'Antichrist Church' is about to emerge on the earth
724 7/2/2006 'Aaron is Expired, Joshua is Chosen'
725 6/24/2006 Trouble in the transit system.
726 6/7/2006 The year Two Thousand & Seven(2007 A.D.) will be a 'New Chapter' on the earth.
727 5/27/2006 Great tragedy looms towards mockery of Jesus Christ.
728 5/21/2006 more flooding
729 5/7/2006 2007-2009 a season of Judgment
730 4/25/2006 Military Conflict Looms concerning India
731 4/25/2006 News media threat alert
732 4/24/2006 People are falling Down in the street.
733 3/30/2006 A Head of State at risk despite increase in security.
734 3/30/2006 Anarchy against Christian Believers
735 3/18/2006 Revelation of Haggai 2
736 3/16/2006 Servant of God experiences enormous dip in ministry
737 1/27/2006 Child arises as false prophet.
738 1/8/2006 Dispute between security officers .
739 12/29/2005 Known female minister in trouble with the law.
740 11/13/2005 A great 'Servant of God' will depart shortly
741 11/5/2005 South East Asian Military Threats looms.
742 10/27/2005 Warning to body of Christ 'COME OUT OF THE CROSS-ROAD'
743 10/17/2005 I heard the letters A C E H
744 10/1/2005 Several International Ministries will be SHAKEN
745 10/1/2005 Gods 'Finger of Fire' Will Come Upon The Earth Shortly
746 9/30/2005 A WOMAN will rise from behind in the USA
747 9/27/2005 New chapter to unfold on the earth. 1
748 9/27/2005 A New Chapter on the earth 1
749 9/23/2005 Petty Road Check Due To Hurricanes & Floods
750 9/20/2005 More Flooding, Especially Sub-urban Setting
751 9/13/2005 Coming events will be as the world 'turned upside down'
752 9/9/2005 Terrorist massacres increase 1
753 9/6/2005 Ministers penalized/scrutinized by legal system
754 8/31/2005 'One-Two-Three,' Another Major Calamity Will Shock The World
755 7/23/2005 Tragedy From The Sky/Roof
756 5/5/2005 More Flooding 1
757 1/17/2005 Trouble In New York
758 1/1/2005 Sexual pestilence comes upon the earth.
759 9/1/2004 Flood / Earthquake
760 7/24/2004 God reveals the number NINE (9)



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