
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

Many great servants of God utter prophecies that appear to fail. Many of these vessels did receive genuine revelations from Christ. They however did not utilize the vast treasure in Scripture available to ensure that they never fail nor be delayed unrealistically.

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Datesort ascending Prophecy Titles Related Fulfillments Videos
681 12/31/2007 the church is going down into a black hole
682 12/6/2007 Aircraft fires upon a country
683 12/6/2007 A ship runs aground deliberately
684 12/6/2007 ministers search for the gift of prophecy
685 12/1/2007 'STORM OR BE STORMED'
686 11/25/2007 A Plot to Bring Down America 1
687 11/1/2007 It is God's Providence that the barriers of immigration be dropped.
688 10/29/2007 Small aircraft crashing
689 10/24/2007 Many turn against the USA.
690 9/18/2007 Massive use of Guns for Terrorism
691 9/8/2007 Electrocution looms in the USA
692 8/12/2007 Flashing Lights.
693 7/18/2007 Natural disasters cause security to use force.
694 7/9/2007 'Dung' invades the Body of Christ.
695 6/19/2007 'God's Revival' in Africa and Asia
696 6/19/2007 Surveillance becomes more intense. 1
697 6/19/2007 God's Revival will fall shortly on a 'Holy Remnant'
698 5/27/2007 A developed country is set back from terrorist activities. 1
699 5/27/2007 Christian church opens door to use by Cult
700 5/15/2007 Personal credit information available in other countries. 1
701 5/15/2007 Instant personal Credit information 1
702 4/12/2007 New material used to make more affordable homes.
703 3/18/2007 'GOD'S REVIVAL' unfolds in Brooklyn, USA
704 1/26/2007 CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED for wrongs of false religions
705 1/26/2007 'Sociophobic' normal social interaction will be dreaded.
706 1/22/2007 'A FRUITFUL TREE' arises in North East USA
707 1/18/2007 Plane hit by another plane, missile or weapon in the USA
708 1/18/2007 Vehicle Like Weapon Sails in the Sky
709 1/18/2007 A vehicle weapon in a middle eastern country
710 1/15/2007 Small plane crash.
711 1/4/2007 President does something embarrassing.
712 12/26/2006 'Flare of Fire'
713 12/18/2006 Major digital / internet trap looms 1
714 11/28/2006 Dead bodies found in unexpected place
715 11/26/2006 INDIA under attack
716 11/25/2006 Animal disease arises
717 11/25/2006 A vision reveals India under attack.
718 11/1/2006 Female Pentecostal minister goes skimpy.
719 10/22/2006 Crime rate increase in New York
720 10/1/2006 Pentecostal tongue talking ministries investigated



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